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My Thoughts on Dianabol and Why I Wouldn't Recommend Anabolic Steroids after a 30 Day Trial

For the last 30 days, I tested out Dbol (for scientific purposes of course). I wanted to know how it affects the body and why it is the most popular oral steroid in use. Key figures like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Ronnie Coleman have enly admitted to using Dbol during their careers as bodybuilders and so for me, this was all the convincing I needed.

Disclaimer: Anabolic steroids are legal to use in the United Kingdom. I do not advise anyone to take anabolic steroids unless they are advised to and monitored by their doctor.

For the last 30 days, I took a very low dosage of Dbol, ramping up from 10mg a day up to 30mg a day during the peak and then back down. This is far lower than the normally advised 40mg a day up to 50mg a day and then back down. So for me, this was more of a test to see how this low dosage of the anabolic steroid would affect me and not so much of a bodybuilding endeavour.

I must say, that this really is a quick acting steroid. From day 2, I felt amazing. My workouts were enjoyable and my energy levels were sky high. By the end of the first week, I was experiencing amazing pumps during my workouts. A feeling I hadn’t felt in a long time and only comparable to when I was taking a combination of Creatine, Nitrix, ZMA and mass building shakes. But this (Dbol) was a lot more enjoyable. I felt that I could keep working out all day if I really wanted to. Not only was I getting good pumps, but my skin looked a lot better too. It was almost glowing.

From week 2, my confidence skyrocketed and I felt that I was not going to take any shit from anyone because I was strong enough to take anyone on. I felt that way, but of course, I never went out of my way to start any trouble with anyone.

I never really experienced any surges in strength gain but I did notice that my recovery periods were a lot shorter and so I could have worked out daily if I wanted to (work commitments prevented daily workouts). I can also attribute this lack of strength surges to the low dosages that I was taking.

3 quarters of the way through my 30 day trial, I started experimenting with my diet to see how that would affect the results and by lowering my carb intake, I started to see more of my abs. The results happened quickly (like a matter of days quickly) and I can only imagine how long that would have taken on a natural exercise and diet routine.

I did notice a worrying side effect and that was that my gonads did atrophy a little. Even on this low dosage, this side effect is prevalent and not something I am willing to live with. It’s mostly for that reason that I would never recommend steroids to anyone. As a male, restricting and potentially shutting down my own natural production of testosterone is something that can and will have negative lifelong effects. I understand why people, mainly men, do take anabolic steroids. The feeling you get is amazing and the speed at which the results arise is absolutely astounding, however, the health implications for prolonged use are all too real. Some of the other negative side effects are hair loss, gynecomastia, fluid retention, cardiovascular issues and liver damage. Another one of my concerns is a paradox of its benefit. Yes, the muscles in the body do grow, but the heart is also a muscle and if the same results are experienced in the heart as they are in the muscles around the rest of the body, then that could pose some serious health issues. It is known that heart growth is one of the negative side effects of anabolic steroid use. A very well known case is that of Dallas McCarver, a bodybuilder who died at the young age of 26 and the autopsy found that his heart was 3 times the weight of the average male heart. That is significant growth for that organ. It’s actually a double whammy because the more muscle you pack on, the harder you heart has to work to pump blood all around the body and the result is that the heart is constantly working harder and growing.

It should be noted that professional bodybuilders do take anabolic steroids but they are also constantly being monitored by their doctors to ensure that they do not go too far. Even then, there have been many cases of bodybuilders dying way before their time due to the effects of taking steroids together with their bodybuilding lifestyles. Could I have achieved the results I did without taking steroids? Absolutely. It just would have taken longer to achieve. I don’t think there is any need for me to get too muscular, and naturally I can build a good, strong, athletic physique and so I would not subject myself to the harmful effects of anabolic steroids without the necessity arising due to medical issues and this is what I would encourage any other person to do. Avoid taking these drugs for as long as possible and concentrate on building a strong natural physique. Your health will thank you for it.

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